Sunday, December 9, 2012


Hey! Today I havent posing for a long time. Merry early Christmas! Subscribe to my youtube. Here's my 1st sub video
Heres my old cartwheel
Heres a craft

Friday, November 30, 2012


Hello! I am doing a late Post and Merry Early Christmas and Happy Late Thanksgiving. Today I got 2 packages from American Girl and so one looked like clothes and the other looked like a doll. My mom said it was'nt for me and I had asked for clothes and Mckenna. So.......... I'm suspicious.......

Sunday, November 18, 2012


Hey guys I finally have the chance to do daily (For now) So today I was looking at the mail and I recived two of the same catalogs but with diffrent covers. So I went online to tell American Girl this then I thought Hmmmmm I am crafty so I decided to use the old one and cut the pictures out for my american girl doll and reuse stuff ti make stuff like... (Credits:MyFroggyStuff)

Saturday, November 17, 2012


Today I was practicing my talent show and then I needed a new post so I decided to make a post on how to make a stopmotion first you take what you need and have a camera. Then position your item and take a photo. Constantly do that and then use iMovie or Windows live Movie Maker to put it together. I hope this helps

Friday, October 19, 2012

A few things about me

Hey guys I just want to list a few things I have:
Instgram: Soul_surfer24
 My favorites:
Stopmotioner: Basilmentos
Sculpter: Toni Ellison
By the way if you like or follow me on Facebook tell me your instagram

My doll / New posts

Hey guys I am going to show you my doll and a new update. First, the new update I know my blog is American Girl DAILY but now I am keeping the Title (Unless I figure out a way to change it)but I am going to be posting post weekly (Every Friday)

My doll: I have a Just like you doll #30 and I put a hair extension from Justice
My doll is the first one

Saturday, September 8, 2012

The New American Girl Doll: Caroline Abott

The New American Girl Doll I was reading Basilmentos's Blogand not much people like her. They don't know much about her but they thing the items are the lame ones but I dont think that I don't like it YET because right now the price is pretty high